What kind of problems does a Can-Am Maverick normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Can-Am Maverick. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix.
Let us look at some of the problems that you could encounter with the Can-Am Maverick. Furthermore, at the end of this, you will know how to perform required repairs and their costs. Read on!
Also read: Are Can Ams Reliable, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Alternator Problems
Your electrical equipment may perform poorly or excessively if your alternator is malfunctioning. Headlights can be either too faint or too bright. This is because the defective alternator delivers an inconsistent or irregular voltage.
For example, a customer says,
“I have a problem with the voltage. When I have the vehicle idle or even driving, with all of my gadgets powered. My voltage drops to 12.4 volts or below, at which point the battery icon turns on and turns off the music system and pursuit bar.”
You may also detect a burning odor resembling an electrical fire when the cables are frayed or broken, the alternator is overworked, or both. When an alternator is overworked, it tries to pump too much current down its wires. It causes them to overheat and can make them dangerously hot, leading them to malfunction. Wire damage can also prevent electrical flow. You may notice the lights flickering or changing in brightness from bright to dim and back.
Upgrade your alternator if you ever experience low voltage problems with your Can-Am Maverick X3. The factory alternator wasn’t built to run the stereo, the lights, and all the other electrical parts. You can use an alternator kit to boost your voltage. You can get an alternator kit for $1,400.00
Also read: 9 x Most Common Can Am X3 Problems!
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The stock radius rod and plate are not very durable. Also, the factory radius rods don’t clear the wheel assembly. Occasionally, this can give you the impression a stone is lodged in the radius rod. It can also lead you to believe that you have cleared a rock or something else protruding from the ground only to hit the obstacle. It can force you to stop or bend your radius rods. Additionally, the plate has a lot of flexibility when doing quick spins, which could break the rod. The increased movement may cause havoc on rides through rough terrain.
You can replace the stock radius rod with better and stronger High Clearance Radius Rods and install a more durable rod plate. Upgrade Can-Am X3 High Clearance Radius Rods are available for $744.99, while the ZRP radius rod plate costs $149. It is also recommended to add two more inches of ground clearance for better reliability.
3. Can-Am Maverick X3 and Sport Front and Rear Knuckles
The stock front knuckle has a low capacity of 17,000 lbs., which can be an issue when hauling with the X3; you may often exceed the limit. There is also a wheel-bearing issue with the OEM knuckles. You can increase the capacity of your Can-Am by replacing the front and the rear knuckles. It also prevents your center radius rod from bending. Replacing the rear knuckles can increase the capacity of the component by 72,000 lbs.
The upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 front knuckles are laboratory tested to 86,000 pounds. They are available for around $1,999.00 a pair. The upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 cost approximately $989.95 apiece.
Also read: 8 x Most Common Can-Am Maverick Sport Problems!
4. Seal Protector Problems
The transmission seal and belt are susceptible to damage in rough terrain, which can result in terrible situations and unintentional mishaps. You can prevent it by replacing the transmission seal protector with a steering and seal guard. The patch doesn’t require lubrication and there is no front-end play. Additionally, it will make turning in challenging terrain easier. The guards are available for $61.00
5. Poor Tires, Suspension, and Low Ground Clearance (Trail)
A customer complains that
“I’ve got a can am trail and I find it can get uncomfortable when driving on bumpy surfaces. I also often get stuck because the vehicle is too low to clear many obstacles I encounter on the trail.”
Many Can-Am Maverick Trail customers complain about low ground clearance, poor suspension, and poor tire quality. It causes it to suffer a choppy ride with a lot of bouncing on the trails. The machines’ suspensions are built of plastic rather than metal or rubber and are also cheap. It prevents them from being strong enough to withstand the trails.
The vehicle also has low ground clearance, so it can’t go over large rocks or other objects on the trail without getting stuck. This can be very frustrating for people who have bought Can-Am Mavericks because they were expecting something different from their utility vehicles. Upgrading the UTV suspension and tires can resolve the problems.
Upgrade Can-Am Trail High Clearance suspension can add 1.5 inches of ground clearance. They are available for $395. You can get a front and rear upgrade shock kit for around $1,499.98.
Also read: 6 x Most Common Can-Am Outlander Problems!
6. Shock Tower Issues (X3 and Sport)
Shock tower brace breaking is common for race or sports vehicles. Hauling puts a lot of strain on the shock tower brace and increases the likelihood of it tearing. A shock tower brace would be the best way to strengthen your upper shocks. It is a direct fit, which gives your suspension greater strength. The shock tower braces are so easy to install, and they are also easy to remove. So, if you don’t like how the ride feels, it is easy to take your strut brace off. Cam-Am X3 Shock Tower Brace starts at around $225.00.
7. Clutch and Belt Issues (X3 and Sport)
Some customers complained about clutch issues, including overheating, which may be an assembling fault. Another problem with these models is that belts can blow up the transmission. Installing a transmission seal guard is the best way to protect your transmission system.
For example, a customer reports,
“I have a 2016 Maverick. I burned the belt on my first day with it because I was having so much fun. I tore into the clutch because I’m an experienced mechanic. Installed an EPI trail kit, and took a 15-minute test drive; didn’t like it; engagement RPMs were too high. Subsequently, I removed primary and secondary springs, white secondary springs, and stock primary springs with only primary weights.
This past weekend, using only the EPI primary weights after four teardowns, I went for a good ride with a gate in the EPI extreme belt, demonstrating quick thinking and a superior ability to grasp the belt. Yes, I did take it very easy and give it a good break. After about 3 hours, despite being stopped, allowed to cool, etc., it would occasionally squeal like a stuck pig. Now, I can’t believe everyone puts up with this out of all the Mavericks there.”
Also read: 4 x Most Common Can-Am Clutch Problems!
Often, the load on the clutch can cause the belts to blow; the clutch’s stress can produce a lot of heat. Filing the clutch housing with liquid nitrogen can help to maintain an environment temperature of 0 degrees. It can help to extend the lifespan of your belts.
But, the only way to fix the clutch is to make it more efficient. So, if the clutch has issues, you can check if you can repair it or find an experienced mechanic to attend to it. It is better to replace a problematic clutch.
8. Can-Am Door Fragile Handles (X3 and Sport)
Many customers find that their Can-Am vehicles have flimsy factory door straps. This issue may have nothing to do with performance, but it is one of the manufacturer should address. The door straps are brittle, and the manufacturer should consider replacing them with billet aluminum handles that bolt into the strap position.
Also read: 8 x Can-Am Maverick Trail Problems And How to Fix It!
9. Engine Problems
Although the Can-Am Maverick engine is powerful and dependable, it wears out after years of use. It can make it challenging to start or operate the UTV. You may need to replace the engine at that point. It is critical to maintain the fuel and air filters clean because they can harm other parts if they are obstructed. Follow the user manual’s recommended schedule for changing your car’s oil, and use high-quality oil whenever possible.
10. Turbo Problems (X3)
The Can-Am Maverick X3 DS Turbo R and X3 X DS Turbo RR models are expected to produce 172 and 195 horsepower, respectively. But they don’t deliver on their turbo promise. And, there isn’t a workable solution to this.