Do you know this, you are enjoying driving your ATV or UTV and your vehicle suddenly stops! If you accelerate, you don’t go faster and your vehicle stutters and can even come to a stop. In short, you have a problem, and the first thought in this case is: do I have enough fuel? If the fuel tank is full, you will have to investigate further, and you will soon end up at the fuel pump.
Below are two quotes from owners who have also experienced this issue.
“I was curious to see if anyone else was encountering this issue. I don’t know if someone can help, but I have an 800 Outlander and my fuel pressure at idle is 34-38, which is low, and throttle response is slow. The motor bogs down occasionally after coming off high RPMs, and sometimes it can backfire. I have already drained the gas and cleaned the tank because there was debris inside. I also cleaned the screen on the gasoline pump and added fresh gas, however the issue persists. Anyone with any suggestions?”
Another owner complaints,
“I rode my Defender in the park today. After a few of hours of driving, I realized that the vehicle either out of gas or was starving for air. It did eventually turn off once we returned to the parking lot. Observed that the Fuel Pump fuse had blown. However, even after changing the fuse, the UTV continues to act as though it is gas starved.”
Also read: Are Can-Ams Reliable, Check Your Model Here!
Your Can-Am’s fuel pump is necessary for it to run. Without it, the internal combustion engine of your bike won’t be able to get the fuel it requires to generate the power you need.
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What Causes Can-Am Fuel Pump Problems?

Electrical issues, wear and tear from aging or use, or gasoline contamination can all lead to fuel pump failures. And unexpected fuel pump failures are common. Also, many supposedly failed pumps are due to misdiagnoses since the pump is still functional but is not receiving the voltage of a faulty relay, fuse, or wiring issue.
Additionally, a good pump will not be able to produce appropriate fuel pressure, if the fuel line has an obstruction, the pressure regulator has failed, or the gasoline filter is blocked.
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Wear on the pump due to inadequate lubrication or excessive use is the most frequent cause of pump failure. The fuel itself acts as a lubricant for most fuel pumps. Regularly operating an ORV with a low gasoline tank level might cause premature wear and lubrication problems.
Another frequent reason for early failure is a faulty oxygen sensor. The fuel pump might work harder than expected for longer if the sensor reports incorrect oxygen levels. As a result, the pump is under increased strain. Many ORV owners need to pay more attention to the O2 sensor warnings because they need adequate information.
Corrosion of Components
Pump parts are susceptible to corrosion, especially if the bike is idle for an extended period. It is doubly true if the fuel contains ethanol. A small amount of moisture in the gas in the tank serves as the catalyst for the rusting process.
Any portion of a gasoline pump that is not entirely submerged in fuel, such as plates, rivets, cables, sensor rods, etc., is susceptible to rust formation due to this water. Then, as the rust flakes off into the fuel supply, it clogs or harms the pump mechanism. Due to its ability to create an acid under the proper circumstances, ethanol can speed up this process.
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Contaminated Fuel
Fuel contaminants (dirt, moisture, or lousy gas) are another source of corrosion and contamination. If you purchase fuel from a filling station with a contamination problem in their underground fuel tanks, the fuel pump can be the first part to fail. If an owner has to leave their bike sitting for an extended period, experts recommend adding a fuel stabilizer to their gas tank. If not, one should ensure they buy their gas from a reputable filling station.
Electrical Fault
Fuel pump failure may occur due to electrical and circuit problems, such as defective relay, fuse, or wiring problems. It may only be necessary to perform some diagnostic testing and repair some wires or clips for some of these errors. Additionally, fuel pumps can malfunction partially and result in various issues like stalling or hesitancy and poor acceleration.
Diagnosing a Can-Am Fuel pump

If the pump is not operating, it is necessary to do several electrical tests to accurately diagnose the problem and rule out alternative causes, such as a faulty relay, blown a fuse, or wiring issue. Where the pump is operating, use a reliable fuel pressure gauge to examine the fuel pressure while the engine runs.
Signs of a Malfunctioning Fuel Pump
If you experience the following signs, your fuel pump is defective. Get the issue checked out and fixed right away to prevent further harm to your bike’s other components.
Hard Start
You will need help starting your ORV if the fuel pump needs to push more gas from the tank to the engine. The ATV/UTV will have trouble starting and running because there needs to be more gas flowing through the pump. When a pump becomes worn, it loses pressure, starving the engine of gasoline.
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Once you start your bike, the fuel pump continues to supply fuel to the engine and additional gas to match your bike’s speed. Your bike’s engine will splutter and potentially stall if the pump cannot pump out a steady stream of fuel at higher speeds. The sputters are an indication that your engine is running low on gas, which a faulty or blocked fuel pump could bring on, or spark plug trouble.
Your engine won’t likely stall if it receives gas from the pump, even if it is less than required. However, if the pump overheats your machine, it will stall. Your engine may overheat if a worn-out and old pump motor becomes too hot.
Engine Overheating
If your fuel pump malfunctions, it may overheat, which raises your engine’s temperature. An overheating brought on by the fuel pump will cause the engine to stall. Always pull over at the first hint of overheating.
Low Fuel Pressure
Check your fuel pressure to identify the root of a failing fuel pump. You can get a fuel pressure gauge at an auto parts store. Then, have someone rev the engine while you check your fuel pressure by reading the indicator. The owner’s manual will contain the recommended fuel pressure.
Power Loss
If your fuel pump is failing, the engine may not splutter, but you will lose power in some situations. Consider the scenario where you ascend a steep hill when, suddenly, your ORV loses power. It’s an indication that the bike’s fuel pump is underperforming and cannot withstand the strain of climbing a hill. You will lose power if the fuel pump is malfunctioning.
Surging Engine
A failing fuel pump can also deliver too much fuel to your engine, which is the antithesis of having insufficient gas. When this occurs, you’ll feel your engine surge, which might make driving hazardous. Overflows happen when the ORV gathers speed before letting it go and isn’t ideal for driving.
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Lower Fuel Efficiency
You’ll notice a decrease in the gas economy if the fuel pump is supplying the engine with too much fuel or if the relief valve doesn’t close completely to stop fuel flow. Keep track of your mileage to monitor your fuel usage. A failing fuel pump may be to blame for a decline in fuel economy.
Dead Engine
If the pump is dead, you can’t start the ATV/UTV if you can’t get gas into the combustion chamber. Also, clogged gasoline lines may be the issue.
See next video, how to diagnose and replace a fuel pump.
To Sum It All Up
Fuel pump problems are frequently directly tied to how you ride your ATV/UTV. If you are a conservative rider who maintains the fuel tank full and doesn’t often flood the quad, you are unlikely to suffer fuel pump issues. If your fuel pump is having problems, a billet gas cap may resolve the issue, or you may need to replace your fuel pump.
If one component of your fuel pump breaks, additional parts will follow. You can prevent this by replacing the entire assembly. Remember that Gen 1 and Gen 2 systems differ significantly from one another. For the Can-Am, an OEM fuel pump replacement costs around $79.98.