What kind of problems does a Can-Am Outlander normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Can-Am Outlander. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!
Also read: Are Can Ams Reliable, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Overheating Issues
A customer says,
“I need help! I’ve been experiencing overheating issues with my 2019 Can am Outty. It entered limp mode owing to excessive temperatures three times in the past six months, and each time I added antifreeze it blew out. I observed that the fan was completely off. So, I installed a switch on the fan to enable continuous operation whenever I need it.
After six months of no issues, it started doing it again a few weeks ago. That day, we were working fairly hard to get outies. When I stopped, it didn’t have antifreeze; I had antifreeze. The rest of the day, the road eased down a little, and there was never another issue. I used a hose to purge the radiator and checked my water pump. What it might have me spinning in circles. Radiator problem?”
The most common cause of overheating in outies is blocked or dirty radiator or screen. For the radiator to effectively expel the heat from the engine, it requires a steady flow of cool air. Off-roading, swamp riding, or dirt road riding can cause mud and debris to become trapped in radiator screens, obstructing the flow of cold air into the radiator.
A damaged radiator also causes overheating. The radiator cooling fins are fragile and susceptible to damage from pressure washing or dirt getting stuck between them. A radiator with too many damaged cooling fins won’t function as well as it should, which could cause your machine to overheat. OEM Can-Am Outlander radiator replacement for around $400.00.
Thermostats are the other common cause of engine overheating. The coolant won’t flow through the system if the thermostat becomes stuck in the closed position. Thermostats are inexpensive, simple to change, and a frequent reason for engine overheating. When you experience overheating problems, replacing the thermostat should be at the top of your priority list. You can get an OEM Can-Am Outlander thermostat replacement for $40.00.
A low battery voltage may also prevent the radiator fan from running. If the battery voltage is too low, it lacks the power to run the fan motor, impacting the cooling system. Also, a fan sensor activates the radiator fan when the engine starts getting hot. If your radiator fan isn’t working, check the fan sensor or the motor, it may be defective. An OEM Can-Am Outlander radiator fan can cost $219.99.
Also read: 4 x Can-Am Overheating and how to Fix it!
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Often, fuel pump issues are directly related to how you ride your outie. You are unlikely to experience fuel pump problems if you are a cautious rider who keeps the fuel tank full and doesn’t regularly swamp the quad. If your fuel pump is having issues, a billet gas cap might solve the issue, or you might need to replace your fuel pump. Remember, there is a significant difference between Gen 1 and Gen 2 systems. An OEM fuel pump replacement for Can-Am Outlander is around $79.98.
A customer reports,
“Every few minutes, my quad’s fuel pump activates like it is just starting up. I always have the battery on a battery tender. When I connected it to a battery charger today, the battery was dead and was only producing about 12.8 amps. I tried to charge the battery for about two hours, but it wouldn’t work. After using the charger to jump-start it, I discovered the fuel pump problem. Are the two issues linked?”
Make sure the battery is well charged and load test it, or install a new fully charged battery as soon as possible. You may have a short to a power issue, a jammed relay, or a switch issue if after installing a new battery, the fuel pump continues to run with the start key off. Relays frequently behave strangely when the battery is weak or low.
Also read: Can-Am Outlander, Defender, Commander Fuel Pump Problems!
3. Brake Failure
A customer complains,
“So, last weekend I rode the new outie on some trails and through some light mud. I started slowly for a few hours before getting a little more into it. Nothing abusive or challenging; just having fun. Everything was good until I went to put it back on the trailer. When I reached for the brake, it went all the way to the grip! I attempted to pump it a little bit, but nothing happened. I then noticed that the fluid level had decreased to the minimum. It had had a thorough inspection before I left. It seems strange that a quad with 30 kilometers has lost its brakes and leaked fluid.”
There is no way to sugarcoat it: if you purchase a Can-Am straight from the manufacturer, you must do your research on quality brake pads. The brake pads require replacement far sooner than any other OEM Brake pads on the market, since they wear out in less than 300 miles.
4. Timing Chain Stretching Problems
Gen 1 Can-Am outies up to the 2009 model year have an issue of excessive timing chain stretching. Your engine will backfire, and you will experience power loss while riding if the timing chain has stretched out. Replace your timing chain if it has stretched.
A customer asks,
“I recently purchased a 2007 Can-Am Outty with 1700 miles. I was told to look for stretching in the timing chains. I removed the valve covers to investigate. The chain is sloppy, and I can squeeze a sharpie marker between it and the timing gear. Does this mean my timing chain stretched?”
If the chain is that loose, then it is stretched. It is not too hard to fix, but it is advisable not to ride the quad bike until you do so. The chain costs approximately $120, and gaskets may be around $60. You can replace the chain without splitting the engine, though you must remove the clutches. You can get an experienced mechanic to replace the chain for you.
5. Leaking CVT Cover issues
A leaking CVT cover is a common Outlander issue. For example, a customer laments,
“The belt housing on my outie has been leaking since it was new, and the problem is getting worse. How can I know whether the housing is defective after hearing this? I considered doing the belt change myself. Is this a simple task? And how do I seal it again? Did you continue to experience issues once the other guys resealed theirs?”
If you purchased your quad from a dealer shop, the dealer will almost certainly fix it without charging you if you bring it in. You can repair the cover-up with a gasket and seal if you bought it from someone else and won’t be getting a check anytime soon. However, you will eventually need to visit a repair because this fix won’t last.
Also read: 4 x Most Common Can-Am Clutch Problems!
6. Frame Issues
Quads can tackle any terrain, but some Gen 2 Outlanders have weak frames that can easily bend or break after riding on a rough trail.
For example, a customer reports,
“I just observed some distinct handling peculiarities in my 2017 Can-Am Outlander. When shifting from forward to backward, there was a noticeable change, and when moving ahead on the throttle and letting off, the quad rear seemed a little loose.
I noticed a few loose bolts around the rear differential mount and a broken bolt tab on the frame. I can feel movement in the plastic around the battery, when I grab hold of the rear bumper and drag it to the side. The starter solenoid is located next to the other 2 bolts for that frame, and both of those mounts were damaged. Has anyone else experienced this?”
Of course, the prevalence of the issue depends on the riding style. Skid plates and a frame modification can be of interest to you if you do not baby your quad and solely use it on paved roads. Many Can-Am Outlander owners are more than familiar with frame modifications, including aftermarket systems and do-it-yourself strengthened rods. However, some individuals dislike adding mods because there is a chance that the A-Arm will entirely come off.