What kind of problems does a Can Am Renegade normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Can Am Renegade. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!
Also read: Are Can Ams Reliable, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Overheating
Overheating is a typical Renegade issue and often occurs due to a clogged radiator. For example, a customer says,
“This is my second Renegade and both overheat and go into limp mode.”
If you are experiencing overheating issues, a dirty or clogged radiator or radiator screen is likely the cause. A constant airflow into the radiator is critical to cooling. The radiator needs cool air for it to control the engine heat efficiently. Typically, the fan should be coming on periodically; otherwise, you can have overheating problems.
If the fan is coming on, then the overheating issue may stem from a bad fuse, thermostat, radiator, or the need to bleed the air out of the system. If the quad lights don’t work, the fan is probably not working. So, check the fuses in the back near the voltage regulator. If the fuses are ok, and the fan isn’t coming on, then there is likely a cut wire under the front fuse block that runs the fan.
Test the thermostat. Remove and check if it opens in 190° or higher water. It could be a good idea to replace it if it opens, or you have overheating issues. You should also check your radiator for puffing. A radiator that has puffed out significantly loses its cooling capacity. It should be okay if you can see through the fins. Also, if your overflow bottle has a little hole on the top, it is the older style; consider upgrading the cap to the newer style with an elbow and a hose. The older style cap is one of the causes of the radiator puffing.
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A clogged air filter is one of the major causes of poor engine performance. If your Renegade is having performance issues, check the air filter. Also, check and clean the air filter frequently of any potential obstructions. Further, replace the air filter regularly, especially after it begins clogging. If it is still relatively fresh, you can get away with simply cleaning it.
Clogged fuel or exhaust filters, blocked fuel lines, and over-fueling or malfunctioning fuel pumps can cause various engine issues, including hard starts, stalling, sputters, misfiring, power loss or engine shuts down while driving. Keep the fuel system, including the fuel line, valve, filter, and tank vent clean. Check the fuel pump and engine tuning. Typically, the fuel pressure drops as the fuel pump ages. So, your machine will experience slow upper RPM, decreased peak speed, and poor acceleration.
A malfunctioning fuel pump can seriously damage an engine by running out of fuel. Use a fuel pressure gauge to test the fuel pump pressure during typical operation. Replace a defective fuel pump. You can get an OEM Renegade replacement fuel pump for $89.99.
3. Battery Issues
The ignition may turn over slowly or not at all if your battery is running low on power. A typical problem is low battery power, and one of the main reasons for a flat battery is leaving the lights on while the engine is off. You can find out if your battery is still functional by performing a simple test is simple. Place the multimeter leads on the battery’s terminals after setting the instrument to voltage. You should charge the battery if it registers less than 12 volts. Replace the battery if it can’t maintain 12 volts for a long time after a long charging session.
For example, a customer asks,
“Are there any other people having battery issues? My quad stuck, and limp mode came on. Took it to the dealer, who said the battery was low. They claimed that utilizing a winch and not maintaining high RPMs drained the battery. And if I don’t increase my winch’s RPMs, this will continue to happen.”
Also, you may have a deeper issue if the battery is depleting quickly. You might need your clutch replaced; a defective one might drain your energy.
4. Ignition Problems
You may have an ignition system issue if your battery is in good condition, but your ignition won’t start. For example, a customer reports,
“My renegade won’t start. When I turn the switch to the on position, the display comes on, and I hear the fuel pump. However, the engine won’t start, and the check engine light and error alert are both on”
You can physically check your spark plugs to see if there is any corrosion or muck on the spark plug itself. Ensure the spark gap in the plug is just a little bit open. If the plug looks to be subpar, replace it. You can check for a spark by cranking the engine while holding the spark plug grounded to a portion of the machine.
But don’t hold the spark plug itself, as you may receive an unpleasant shock. If there isn’t a spark, the HT lead may be faulty. You can also use a multimeter to check for a spark in the plug. Further, check the other starter components, including the solenoid and motor. The machine may also fail to crank due to corrosion, a seized engine, or mechanical failure. Examine the cylinder for high leakage.
5. Smoking
When starting your Renegade, don’t panic if it starts to smoke; that is just moisture burning off. But you most likely have a problem with the valve seals or piston rings if it only occurs when revving the engine. Also, the problem manifests itself early in the ride but disappears later. Color also has a bearing; generally, white smoke is typical and not a big deal if it occurs early in the journey.
But black smoke is a negative indicator because it means problems with burning gasoline. Blue smoke indicates that you are burning oil, a major concern on a 4-stroke quad engine. Call an experienced mechanic to look at the quad as soon as possible.
6. Slipping Clutch
Your Renegade clutch will eventually become worn and slip. A slipping clutch can cause a loss of power. A clutch slip occurs when the engine pitch is abnormally high with a distinct lack of traction. You can get a mechanic to confirm. The only option is to replace the clutch, a simple task that any quad repair shop can complete. An OEM Can-Am Renegade clutch replacement costs around $251.00, and the OEM Can-Am renegade drive belt price is around $154.99.
Also read: 4 x Most Common Can-Am Clutch Problems!
7. Leaking Oil
You could become worried when you notice any oil leaking or dripping from your Renegade. Often, this isn’t a major problem, though, since Renegades are all-terrain vehicles, they will suffer minor damage when you drive them on challenging terrains. Fortunately, most of the damage they experience is only superficial.
Check for cracks in the plastic on your Renegade and clean the area. Then, loosen the bolts around the affected spot, apply a sealant to the fissures, and let it cure overnight. It will be in perfect condition in the morning. However, some oil leaks may demand immediate expert attention. For example, a customer says,
“As I was giving the machine a thorough cleaning, I saw that the space between the engine and the transmission had oily filth muck stuck to it on both sides, top, and bottom. Is there a gasket or seal that might be leaking here?”
Visit the dealer or a mechanic if you notice oil leaks on critical parts like the engine or can’t determine the source of the oil leak.
8. Tyre Puncture/Damage
Off-road riding carries some hazards, and getting a puncture is always possible. Fortunately, most quad accessory shops would be able to replace or repair the tire. Never attempt to drive the Renegade with a flat tire because you risk damaging the rims, which will cost you extra money. Off-road tires are durable, and it would take a hard object to puncture them. However, sometimes the damage to the tire is too severe to be repaired, making a new tire the only viable alternative.