CFMoto owners may encounter issues with the engine not starting. It can be unpleasant, especially if you have work or must go somewhere quickly. The engine may not start for many reasons, such as a dead battery, a worn-out or damaged spark plug, a clogged fuel filter, fuel pump failure, a broken starter motor, etc.

CFMoto Starting Problems

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The following are some of the typical issues and solutions for your problem:

1. Dead Battery

A dead battery is one of the most common causes of an engine not starting. Although the CFMoto’s stock battery is of decent quality, it tends to drain fast when powering additional gadgets. Turn on the headlights to see whether the problem is with the battery. The battery is dead if the lights are dim or don’t turn on. Verify by checking if the battery’s voltage is 12 or more volts. The battery must get at least 12 volts for the fuel injection to operate effectively. 

The Fix: Jump-starting the vehicle with jumper wires and a different vehicle with a functional battery may solve this problem. Keep the rig running for at least 30 minutes after starting it to allow the battery to recharge fully. In addition, make sure all the battery wires are well fastened in place, and try to tether the battery to a tender while not in use. Replace a defective battery. It costs around $55.99.

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2. Terminals/Wiring

If the engine doesn’t start and the battery is good, the battery terminals are an excellent location to begin an inspection. Look out for loose connections, rust, and debris. Also, check the battery-connected grounding wires. Examining these cables, which often cause a no-start issue, can save you the stress of going through more challenging procedures before realizing it’s a simple connection issue.  

The Fix:  Even if they don’t require it, thoroughly clean the terminals to remove any corrosion and debris. Also, applying petroleum jelly or dielectric grease can increase the longevity of the battery connections.

Also read: All CFMoto CForce Top Speeds & how to boost the engine!


3. Broken Ignition Switch

The starter motor receives its power from the ignition switch. If it is defective, it won’t supply power to the starter motor, preventing the engine from starting. You can determine if the ignition switch is the problem with turning on the headlights. It’s probably broken if the lights turn on, but the engine won’t start.

The Fix: Replacing the ignition switch will resolve the problem.

4. Faulty Starter Motor

The starter motor starts the engine. It won’t start the engine if it’s broken or malfunctioning. When you turn the key, listen for a clicking sound to see if the starter motor is the problem. Generally speaking, the following techniques can aid in identifying the initial problem.

Start by ensuring the battery is sound and fully charged, the rig is in neutral, the ignition switch is on, and the solenoid clicks when you turn the key. If there is no clicking, ensure the solenoid receives power from the ignition switch. Examine the switch if there is no power.

If the switch is functioning properly, measure the solenoid connections while turning the key to ensure you have 12 volts on both sides; if not, clean both terminals, reconnect the wires and retest; if the issue still occurs, the solenoid is faulty and needs replacing.

If the solenoid works well, test the voltage at the starter motor and the continuity between the non-powered solenoid and the wire lug on the starter. Connect the starter motor lug and a jumper cable to the battery’s positive terminal if there is continuity.

The Fix: If the starter motor doesn’t turn, you can either replace it or remove it and rebuild it.

5. Clogged Air Filter 

The air filter cleans the air before it flows through the engine. If it’s clogged or has water, it restricts the amount of air and fuel mixture flowing to the engine’s cylinder; so, the engine suffocates and won’t start.

The Fix: Check and clean your air filter frequently. You can also replace the stock air filter with a high-flow air filter to boost engine performance. K&N high-flow air filters range from $16 to $129.99.

6. Water or Blockage in the Fuel System

The fuel filter sieves the fuel before it goes to the engine. If it has water or is clogged, it reduces the gas reaching the cylinder, which causes it to choke and won’t start. So, examine the fuel system; pull out the fuel line and crank the engine to test if the engine is getting gas. If it is, check for a blockage and water in the fuel line and ensure the gas tank is full.

The Fix: Clean the fuel system, including the fuel line, filter, gas tank, and tank cap often. Replace old or contaminated fuel.

7. Valves

The intake or exhaust valves of the CFMoto can cause starting problems. These valves can tighten or loosen, impacting valve clearance, which, if not kept at the right level, can cause compression loss and machine inability to start. The most frequent event is compression loss due to overtightening.  

The Fix: The owner’s manual contains the correct valve clearances. If not, make the necessary modifications to ensure both valves are set at the correct clearances.

8. Faulty Spark Plug

The spark plug ignites the air and fuel mixture in the combustion chamber to drive the engine. The engine won’t start if it’s malfunctioning, since it won’t be able to ignite the fuel. Inspect and ensure no foreign materials, such as fuel, oil, or coolant, coat the spark plugs. Check if the tips appear scorched, implying fouling, and the color to ensure they are normal-looking and not damaged.

The Fix: Remove the spark plug and look for wear or damage to determine whether the spark plug is the problem. If the spark plug appears worn or damaged, replace it. Experts recommend replacing it with a premium iridium spark plug.

9. Fuel Pump Problems

Often, fuel issues touch on starting problems. A fuel pump failure is the most significant cause of fuel issues. An Unexpected fuel pump malfunction is common. The most prevalent reason for pump failure is wear on the pump due to insufficient lubrication or excessive use. The fuel itself lubricates most fuel pumps. Regularly driving the machine with a low fuel level in the tank could lead to premature wear and lubrication issues.

A bad oxygen sensor is another typical cause of early pump failure. If the sensor reads the oxygen levels incorrectly, the fuel pump might have to work harder and longer than it should. The pump is consequently put under more stress. Due to the lack of*adequate information, many owners don’t pay closer attention to the O2 sensor warnings.

Pump components are prone to rust, particularly if the rig sits for an extended period, and more so if the fuel has ethanol. The rusting process is accelerated by a tiny amount of moisture in the tank’s gas. This water makes any part of a gas pump that isn’t completely submerged in fuel, like plates, rivets, cables, sensor rods, etc., vulnerable to rust formation.

Fuel contamination, such as dirt, moisture, or bad gas, is another source of corrosion and contamination. The fuel pump may malfunction first if you source fuel from a gas station with a pollution problem in its underground fuel tanks. Experts advise adding a fuel stabilizer to the petrol tank of a vehicle if one must keep the machine idle for a long time.

Electrical and circuit issues, such as faulty relays, fuses, or wiring, can lead to fuel pump failure.

The Fix: Replace a defective O2 sensor. You can get an OEM CFMoto oxygen sensor for up to $169.99.  If the pump is not operating, it’s necessary to do electrical tests to accurately identify the issue and repair potential causes, such as a malfunctioning relay, blown a fuse, or wiring issue.

If the pump is operating, you can use a reliable fuel pressure gauge to examine the fuel pressure while the engine runs. Replace a defective fuel pump. CFMoto fuel pumps are available for up to around $398.94