Polaris is a pioneer when it comes to off-road vehicles such as ATVs and UTVs. They have a massive client base, and they do have a successful lineup to back that up. Even with all this success, you cannot overlook the fact that the company has been plagued by Polaris fuel pump problems for a long time.
Polaris Ranger fuel pumps sometimes had a loose line from the fuel pick-up tube to the pump. Polaris RZR, General and Ranger models had fuel pumps more susceptible to wear, leading to pressure drops. Furthermore, some Polaris models’ fuel pumps overheat after long hours of running.
Due to this issue, some models are more consistently affected than others. Let us look at some of the problems that you could encounter with the fuel pump on your Polaris. Furthermore, at the end of this, you will know how to perform required repairs and their costs.
Also read: Polaris UTV Reliability, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Loose Line From the Fuel Pick-Up Tube to the Pump – Polaris Ranger
The line which connects the fuel pick-up tube to the pump could be loosed in some Ranger models. As a result, the fuel pump generates only a small stream of fuel and creates less or no pressure. Since the fuel doesn’t cool off the assembly, the fuel pump becomes hot.
In this problem, the vehicle first starts to backfire and then dies off.
Before you decide to replace the fuel pump, consider tightening the clamp. It’ll save you time and money.
If the pull-up the seat, the fuel pump is mounted to the frame of the front seat.
To resolve this problem, spin the line on the pump with the factory clamp on. Then cut off about a half inch of black hose. The inline filter is placed before the driver side of the carb, and then the hose connects to the pump and then to the tank. In the end, put on a regular screw-type clamp.
By tightening the line, the pump becomes quieter, creates more pressure, and transports the required fuel volume to fuel injectors.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Ranger XP 900 Problems!
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⚠️ Essential Riding Gear: DOT-Certified Helmets → Check Prices2. Worn Out Fuel Pump – Polaris Ranger, General and RZR
RZR models require 58 psi fuel pressure to function properly. However, after a couple of years, the fuel pump starts wearing out and gives off pressure below 30 psi to the fuel injectors.
This is the most common issue faced by Polaris enthusiasts in RZR 170, 800, 1000 and Ranger 570.
Let’s have a look at one of the common feedbacks from a customer:
I’m getting a low fuel pressure code on my 22 NA 850 display thats derating the power, i also can hear something whining, perhaps the fuel pump. Can anybody help?
The most common symptoms of this problem include low acceleration, low RPM, and decreased top speed.
To check if you have the same fuel pump problem, follow these steps:
- Get a pressure gauge from your local auto parts shop
- Install it to your fuel tank’s outlet
- Turn the ignition on and allow the fuel system to cycle.
- Check the reading on your fuel pressure gauge.
- If the pressure is below 30 psi, the fuel pump is faulty.
Although Polaris offers six months of warranty, this problem doesn’t arise initially in a brand-new UTV unless you run a few thousand miles.
Also read: Most Common Polaris General 1000 Problems!
In such a case, the fuel pump needs to be replaced and would probably cost $70 to $200, depending on your Polaris model.
Instead of going to a UTV dealer or mechanic, you can save money by replacing the fuel pump yourself. It’ll take most likely an hour to fix the issue. All you need is a spanner wrench and the fuel pump assembly.
Here’s a video on how to repair a Polaris Ranger EFI fuel pump yourself:
After the installation, recheck the fuel pressure. It should be 58 psi (+/- 2).
3. Fuel Pump Overheating – Polaris RZR, Sportsman, and Ranger
An adequate amount of fuel cools down the fuel pump and the engine while running. Once the Polaris fuel pump fails to deliver the required amount of fuel, it causes overheating in the fuel pump and the combustion chamber. This may also lead to engine damage.
RZR 500, 800, 900s, Ranger XP 900, and Sportsman 700 fuel pumps get overheated with time.
When ignited, the gasoline pump would act as normal. But as the temperature increases, its pressure will be reduced. Hence, the engine would sound like it’s starving for fuel.
Here’s a quick fix to Polaris Ranger overheating problem:
You’ll face this problem more often when it’s hot outside. When you increase the throttle, it would backfire and die off. If you leave it for cooling off a few minutes, it’ll reignite, but will die off as soon as you increase the throttle again.
Sometimes, the fuel pump can be extremely hard to touch in this case.
Several drivers have had luck installing a small fan under the seat and adding heat reflective material to the bottom of the seat to fix this issue. It would cost less than $50 in the United States.
However, if the issue persists, you would need to replace the pump altogether.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris RZR 170 Problems!
4. Loud Fuel Pump Whining – Polaris Sportsman, ACE, Snowmobile, and RZR
Have you noticed your Polaris UTV making a constant whining sound? When you position your key to on, the fuel pump gives off a loud whine sound. The sound may go away on its own in a few minutes or may stay for hours even while riding.
RZR 900, 1000, Ranger XP 1000, Sportsman 570 and some ACE models may have this noisy fuel pump.
Here’s a feedback from a Ranger XP1000 owner:
My XP1000 just started a fairly loud high pitched whine which is definitely coming from the fuel pump. I have 47 hours and 835 miles. The noise is intermittent and varies in loudness. There were times I started it and it was quiet.
To check if it’s really your fuel pump, take the seat off when the whining starts and put your ear near the fuel pump.
Here’s how a Polaris RZR 900 whining noise sounds:
To check if it’s really your fuel pump, take the seat off when the whining starts and put your ear near the fuel pump.
The sound doesn’t depend on how much the tank is filled. However, the temperature does play a role in amplifying that sound. The hotter the fuel pump, the noisier it will be. Watch out for its temperature and wear over time.
Fortunately, it’s not something to be afraid of. It’s just the nature of the ATVs, and the noise goes away on its own.
Also read: 7 x Most Common Polaris Sportsman 450 Problems!
5. Fuel Pump Not Getting Power – Polaris General and Ranger
Sometimes, the voltage fuel pump plug getting is not enough to energize it. It’s probably because of the integrated circuit failure that controls the Polaris’s fuel pump. It’s usually damaged due to a faulty battery, an incorrectly installed accessory or a failure in the charging system.
RZR 800, General 1000, Ranger, and Sportsman 500 exhibit this power problem.
One of your electronic components might have simply reached the end of its useful life. Hence, causing the power failure. This might lead to many electronic problems such as fan failure, spark loss, battery charging failure, AWD loss, and total failure of the electronic system.
Another reason for power issues might be mice chewing wires. Look for any damaged wire connections and chewing signs.
Also read: 7 x Most Common Polaris Ranger 700 XP Problems!
To check the power problem in the fuel pump, follow these steps:
- Disconnect the harness connector from the fuel pump.
- Connect a DC voltmeter across terminals “3” and “4” in the plug on the vehicle fuel pump harness.
- Turn on the key switch.
- Check to ensure a minimum of 7 volts is present.
If the voltage was below 7 Vdc, test the battery, ignition switch, wiring harness and ECU.
If the voltage at the plug was good, and there was continuity across the pump terminals, reconnect the plug to the pump, making sure you have good, clean connections. Turn on the key switch and listen for the pump to activate.
However, if the pump still doesn’t work, check for correct ECU operation by plugging in a well-known ECU compatible with the model. It’ll cost between $300 to $500, depending on the Polaris model you have.
This video shows how to fix no power to fuel pump on a 2005 Polaris 700 Twin EFI:
Featured image: https://www.polaris-orv.media/