You can assume that this ATV always does its job and has no problems. The opposite is true! The Polaris Phoenix 200 also has issues just like any other ATV from any brand. In this blog we discuss the 6 most common problems of the Polaris Phoenix 200 when you’re in the market for a Polaris Phoenix 200. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!

Also read: Are Polaris ATVs Reliable, Check Your Model Here!

polaris phoenix 200 problems

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1. Engine Dies In Water

When customers invest in an ATV, they expect to ride it over any terrain, including water. The Polaris Phoenix is a decent machine to go off the road, but it dies at the sight of water. It doesn’t have to be deep either, a 5 or 6-inch puddle is enough to kill the Phoenix 200. 

The problem is with a vent below the left fender. It is a ventilation duct for the clutch. Even though it is not associated with the engine, when this duct is flooded, it shuts down the ATV.

The best way to deal with the problem is to cover the vent to avoid water flooding through it. But this is not the solution, since ventilation is also necessary. So, you’d have to cover it when driving through water and open it as soon as you cross the puddle or stream. Though this is not a practical solution, you don’t have many options.

There is a common misunderstanding that water damages the Phoenix. Driving through deep water is the only reason why your ATV might stall. Apart from that, water doesn’t affect the electronics or the ability to start.

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2. Throttle Limiter Failure

As the name suggests, a throttle limiter controls the amount of power you can send to the wheels. This component makes your ATV fun to ride while drastically improving the safety of the rider. 

According to Polaris, models between 2014 and 2017 were affected by this problem. Due to this issue, Polaris issued a recall in April 2018. A total of around 5600 units were summoned to make necessary adjustments.

As per the statement made by Polaris, the throttle limiter gets damaged during shipping. When the customer receives the product, the throttle limiter is already busted or prone to failure. 

This is an issue that poses a crash hazard and requires immediate attention. The repairs were done free of charge, so you do not have to worry about spending out of pocket. 


3. Not Shifting Into Gears

This is not an issue with a particular gear in the Phoenix 200. Different customers run into this problem with different gear. Usually, the problem occurs moments after or when you start your ATV. This means that they often get stuck in either reverse or neutral.

There are a couple of reasons why your gear might not shift. It can either be caused by wear or problems with the lever mechanism. ATVs aren’t ridden a lot, but when they hit the roads, they take a battered inside and out. So, it is not hard to guess, more often than not, the problem is associated with the lever mechanism.

Usually, it is loose parts or dislodged levers. Either way, you need to expose the gearbox and inspect it. If you are comfortable working on your car, you should be able to manage this on your own. If not, you should seek professional help to get your gear inspected. 

Wear is not something that you come across frequently in an ATV. But it is possible, especially if you are running low on gear oil or not using the right type of gear oil. This could cause heavy wear and chipping, which would cause a similar problem. 

If you do not have enough oil or if you are not using the correct type of oil, you’d be able to notice that differences in the shifting mechanism. This is a good indicator to get your oil levels checked and or rethink the viscosity and the type of oil you use.

Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Clutch Problems!

4. Engine Dies When Giving Gas

This is an issue that plagues the 2005 model. Many owners of this particular model are no strangers to this issue. 

The Phoenix fires up just fine. But as you start giving some gas, the engine will die. Usually, the ATV idles fine, but in some cases, the engine dies if you leave it idle for a while.  

If the ATV dies when it is idle, chances are the fuel-to-air ratio is off. You can adjust the setting so that more fuel is injected during idle into the cylinders so that the engine doesn’t die. 

Another possible reason could be the carburetor. A clogged carburetor could interrupt the flow of gas to the engine. So, when you go for the throttle, the engine doesn’t get enough gas to propel the ATV, thus the engine dies. 

If you are experiencing this problem with your 2005 model, then chances are that your air intake valve is faulty. You should be able to find the Air Intake Valve vacuum assembly mounted to the right side of the frame under the seat. Even if you replace the unit with OEM parts, it is going to cost less than $50 for parts.

There are many possible reasons why your ATV might be dying when diving gas. Apart from the above, some other possible reasons are,

  • Clogged air filter
  • Dirty or clogged fuel filter
  • Faulty fuel pump
  • Bad mass airflow sensor
  • Vacuum leaks

If you want to solve the issue yourself, you would have to go through all the above matters until you pinpoint the cause.

Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Fuel Pump Problems!

5. Weak Rear Brakes

For a 200cc machine, the Polaris failed to provide it with enough stopping power. The front brakes are decent. The front end contains hydraulic disc brakes which are quite effective. But the rear is fitted with mechanical drum brakes, which are not as effective.

This is what one customer had to say about the brakes in Phoenix 200,

“In fact, the rear brakes, in general, were the only complaint I ever had with that machine. They are a drum setup, and it just felt like I could never get sufficient braking out of them.”

The drum brakes are undoubtedly inferior. They tend to wear out fairly quickly. One owner had to replace his drum brakes within a year after purchasing a Polaris Phoenix 200 due to wear.  A set of rear drum brakes costs around $60 to replace.

The cables that run to the rear brakes aren’t sturdy, either. There are a few cases reported of snapped rear brake cables.

Though the rear brakes are not up to par, this is not a serious problem. This is because the front brakes certainly make up for what the rear brakes lack. 

6. Backfires

Backfires happen when a spark plug or multiple spark plugs ignite the fuel out of turn inside the cylinders. Though this might not sound like a major issue, this can damage the engine and the exhaust system. 

This problem is often seen in older models of the Phoenix, including the 2005 Phoenix 200. The ATV doesn’t backfire when riding in normal conditions. But once you give throttle for a while, you will notice constant backfires. 

The usual culprit for backfires is the spark plugs. Go through the plugs and their connections. They could be creating a spark at the wrong moment due to a fault in the wiring, or maybe it’s just damaged or dirty spark plugs. You should be able to recognize the problem after a thorough inspection.  

Another possible cause could be the fuel-to-air mixture. Too rich or even too lean fuel-to-air mixtures can cause backfires. You could try adjusting the mixture to get the right ratio. In some cases, the problem is with the gas itself. If the gas contains too much alcohol, this could also cause backfires.

A clogged air filter could also impact the fuel-air ratio, thus causing backfires. You could either try cleaning the air filter, or you can replace it. If cleaning is possible, that is the easiest solution. If not, you’d have to invest in a new one, which costs $50 to $150 depending on the manufacturer.

If none of these solve your problem, you would have to take your Phoenix to the mechanic or a dealer.

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