What kind of problems does a Polaris Ranger 150 normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Polaris Ranger 150. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!
Also read: Polaris UTV Reliability, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Overheating Issues
Overheating is a common Polaris issue. The machine can go into limp mode to protect itself from further damage. While some reasons for overheating are complex, most of them have simple causes. Often, the cause is the blockage of the small openings on the fan guard or screen by mud, dirt, grass, and weeds.
For example, a customer reports,
“We just purchased a Ranger 150 for our boys, and they love it. They can also accompany us on trail rides when we take our 2018 RZR 900. The GEO borders allow them to take off independently without our concern, and we can control their speed. Recently, the machine’s engine temperature reached 266 degrees when we were on a trail ride up a canyon close to home. Then the engine went into limp mode, and we turned it off for around 15 minutes before it resumed running normally. This took place twice. It was 98 degrees outside, and it had my 10- and 12-years old sons. Any advice on how to keep this tiny rig cool.”
Your engine can quickly overheat if the air vents become blocked because the fan can’t get the air through to dissipate heat. Change your engine oil frequently and maintain a clean engine exterior and the fan’s guard and core. If the problem persists, get an experienced technician to look at it.
Also read: 6 x Polaris Overheating Problems and how to Fix it!
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A customer complains that,
“I recently purchased a 2020 Polaris Ranger 150 Youth model for my children. It began performing strangely with less than an hour on it; now it has been running for 1.9 hours with no throttle reaction. I’m due to pick up my new 1000 XP on Friday, but right now, I’m a little anxious because I’m having issues getting the small one ready. According to the handbook, it is caused by the UTV’s speed sensor. Has anyone had this problem?”
If you are experiencing a throttle response problem, try to adjust the shimming on the speed sensor or replace the speed sensor. You can get help from an experienced technician. The dealer should sort out the issue if the machine is on warranty. The cost of an OEM Polaris Ranger 150 replacement speed sensor is around $39. If you have to replace a defective throttle cable, an OEM Polaris Ranger 150 throttle cable replacement costs approximately $73.99.
Also read: 5 x Polaris Electronic Throttle Control Problems!
3. Safety Recalls
CPSC and Polaris issued a recall for close to 5,900 units of 2017-18 ACE 150 and 2018 Ranger 150 models because of a crash hazard. The lock nuts on the lower ball joints of the front suspension may have been built using the wrong torque value. Over time, the lower ball joint in the front suspension may detach, increasing the risk of a crash. The recalled units come in red and white. Polaris sent the Safety Alert notification letter to customers affected by this recall.
4. Brake Problems
A customer reports,
“I recently purchased a new Ranger 150 for my son on his birthday. However, there is a loud squeaking sound coming from the front of the vehicle with considerable intermittent power loss. It also sporadically flashes check engine lights. The break sometimes seems to be on, but it is not. Although it doesn’t coast, I can push it forward while in neutral and roll it backward at the same time. It would be wonderful to avoid transporting it to the dealer, who is an hour away.”
This may occur due to an incorrect parking brake adjustment. It will continue to send a code believing the foot is on the brake while having the check engine light flash intermittently. After a while, the machine goes into limp mode. You have to adjust the parking brake cable behind the right rear tire. There are two nuts below the bracket and one nut on top of it. Tighten the lowest one, then the bottom two, after loosening the top one a turn or two. That ought to solve the issue.
You may also have the problem of the brake light flashing when the brake is not applied, and it may often go into limp mode. Pulling up on the brake pedal may resolve the temporary problem. You can take it to the dealer or get an experienced mechanic to fix the problem.
5. Engine Problems
You can encounter problems like a miss, a backfire, an engine that starts but won’t idle, an engine that idles but won’t rev, overheating, or a power loss. To identify the engine issue, you could conduct the following simple diagnostic procedures:
- If the engine is idling but not turning over
Check whether an excessive gas flow has flooded the engine. Also, look at the fuel system parts, including the tank vent, gasoline line, valve, filter, spark plug, and fuel pump. Ensure you have a full tank.
- If the engine doesn’t start
Inspect the starter motor, solenoid, and battery for possible causes. Rust, mechanical failure, or a seized engine are some potential causes.
- When the engine is idling but not revving
The air intake parts, including the air filter, should be cleaned or reinstalled. Check the ignition timing, spark plug, TRS switch, spark plug, and throttle cable. Examine the exhaust system, and reverse the speed limiter.
- If the engine starts but won’t idle
Clean the air filter and examine the fuel system and crankcase breather. Ensure that the choke and the fuel system are well-adjusted. Also, check the cylinder for high leakage.
6. Weak Engine
The UTV has a 150-cc engine which is good on flat land and even terrain, but struggles on an incline and rough terrain. The low engine power can be an issue if you live in a hilly or sandy area or otherwise challenging terrain. The UTV’s heavy frame and small engine combination can give the driver a hard time getting around uneven ground, sands, or uphill trails.
A customer says,
“I got my sons a Polaris 150 for Christmas. The rig is great on dirt and level terrain, but its engine is not powerful enough for real fun. The small engine and low ground clearance make it challenging for them to accompany us on demanding trails.”
7. Exposure / Safety Issues
The factory Ranger 150 comes without a proper windscreen or a roof. This can expose the kids to the risk of facial or bodily injuries from flying objects. The wind blast can cause them to get fatigued, while dust and debris can cause eye irritation, distraction, and impaired vision. Moreover, over 50% of injuries are from rollovers.
You can address this shortcoming by getting custom tops to protect the occupants from rocks and tree stumps that can injure their heads if they flip. There is also a range of windshield options you can choose from, including full, full-tilting, half-fixed, half-folding, and rear windshields. The full windshield is the best option for the Ranger 150 because it covers the front of the UTV and protects the kids from debris and other flying materials.
You can get a soft top for $141.99 and a hard top for around $236.99. A full windshield is available for $164.99.
8. Net Door Concerns
The factory UTV comes with net doors, which many customers feel aren’t the best choice. It’s true the net doors help in keeping the weight of the machine down given its small 150 cc engine. But many customers feel solid doors are a better safety feature, especially for youngsters learning to drive.
You can get a door kit to enhance the safety of your young ones. The doors have powder-coated mild steel tubing and textured plastic for resistance and longevity. They aid in keeping occupants inside and shield them from trail hazards and debris at the same time. The complete door kit is available for $499.00