What kind of problems does a Polaris Ranger XP 700 normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Polaris Ranger XP 700. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!
Also read: Polaris UTV Reliability, Check Your Model Here!
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1. Low Fuel Pressure
Diagnosing this problem can be challenging because the Ranger 700 XP tends to cut out at around 25 mph and Boggs down. You can push the gas pedal hard to avoid this scenario as the engine corrects itself at 30 mph.
For example, a customer reports,
“My 2008 Ranger 700 XP behaves as if it has run out of fuel and dies when moving slowly. But if I accelerate before it dies, it will drive fine. I tested the fuel pressure at idle; it starts at around 30 psi and lowers to 10 psi before dying. When traveling at peak speed, the fuel pressure is roughly 35 psi. The fuel pressure gradually rises when I pump the accelerator as the engine begins to die. Does this sound like a fuel pump, or is it something else? Thanks.”
The cutting out and the bogging issue can arise from multiple causes. It can happen from junk accumulation on the throttle body, in which case cleaning it will fix the issue. It can also occur when the throttle position affects the TPS sensor. Further, a weak battery or stator can cause the fuel pressure to rise and fall with engine rpm. Check the pressure regulator in the tank, just above the fuel pump.
Check the fuel system, including the tank vent, valve, filter, fuel pump, and fuel line to the tank. A defective valve or faulty/dirty filter can restrict fuel flow. A crack in the fuel line can cause the pump to suck in air; at high rpm, it may draw enough fuel to run, but not at lower rpm. Use a fuel pressure gauge to test the fuel pump pressure during regular operation. Always keep the fuel system clean. Replace the defective components.
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Many Ranger 700 XP owners report frequent TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) sensor failures or irregular responses, including cold starting trouble, rough running, and bogging at some point.
For example, a customer complains,
“My 2007 Ranger 700 XP has started to stall out and hesitate in the lower RPM range. When it does this, if I push the gas pedal, it clears up and hits its top speed of about 44 mph before the speed limiter engages. When I try to take off from a stop, it will hesitate and slog along. It will bog down if I try to gun it at any speed, especially low speeds.”
The most common cause of this problem is a failing TPS sensor or a defective TPS sensor. Replace it. You can get a Polaris Ranger 700 throttle position sensor for $249.99
3. Fuel Pump Trouble
A faulty fuel pump may cause various problems, including difficulty starting, splutter, backfire, low power, and engine shut off. Typically, as the fuel pump ages, the fuel pressure drops. Your machine will experience slow upper RPM, decreased peak speed, and poor acceleration. A malfunctioning fuel pump can damage the engine by restricting fuel and extreme heat.
You can identify the problem by installing a fuel pressure gauge at the tank outlet and checking the fuel pump pressure during regular operation. Replace a defective fuel pump. OEM Ranger 700 XP replacement fuel pump costs around $ $109.98.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Fuel Pump Problems!
4. Spits at Speed
This issue often occurs when the engine is underperforming or when you restart the machine after a long break. The UTV may start up and operate abnormally. When you try to accelerate, it can misfire and occasionally split oil.
A customer says,
“My 2007 Ranger 700 XP has running issues. When I originally got it, which I inherited from my grandfather, it would run, but not properly. I learned it might be my TPS. I placed an order for a used one from eBay, which temporarily solved the issue. I took it for a long ride and noticed that when I pushed the throttle hard, it began to stutter, spit oil, and act as if it wanted to shut off. However, if I pumped the throttle, it would continue to move, but abnormally. Also, it has no acceleration when I step on it firmly.”
This can be a vexing challenge because your Ranger will die while inactive or continue to spit at speed. To identify the cause, you should check the fuel pump, the oil tank, and the TPS sensor. Furthermore, if you have extra parts, try changing each of these components one at a time. If the problem persists, get an experienced mechanic to fix it.
5. Sensor Harness Issue
This is another challenging Polaris Ranger 700 XP issue. The machine frequently starves of gasoline after operating for only 10 to 20 minutes. Usually, this happens after the engine warms up.
A customer complains,
“My 2008 Polaris Ranger 700XP behaves as though it lacks fuel after operating for around 10 to 20 minutes. This only happens once the machine has warmed up. The voltages are within the specifications. I changed the spark plugs, and they work properly. The operating fuel pressure is 39 PSI. Last week, I cleaned the throttle body after removing it to see if that would make a difference. The engine idles at 1100 rpm. I’m clueless”
Also, the engine can stall after a few miles, requiring you to press hard on the gas pedal to restart it. These are signs that your Ranger 700 XP has a wiring harness issue. You might need to replace the pigtail and harness connector to fix it. You can get an OEM Polaris Ranger 700 XP wiring harness for $752.99.
6. Clogging, Loose Wiring, and Bad Spark Plugs
An excessive amount of debris and dirt can clog or obstruct the fuel and air filters. The deposits may also corrode the filters and blockade the spark plugs. You also need to check on your spark plugs, one or both can go bad, or the wiring can get loose.
Therefore, to avoid the problems of clogging and bad connections, regularly inspect and clean the said areas.
7. Starting Problem
Many customers report trouble starting their UTV, or the engine suddenly experiences misfiring and fails to generate enough power. When that occurs, the engine idles normally, but when you press the throttle, it bogs down and won’t rev.
For example, a customer says,
“My 2009 Ranger 700 XP is having a starting problem. When starting, the engine spins as if it had no fuel. It occasionally catches but sputters, and you have to press the pedal to get it going. Once it is running, she runs smoothly with no hesitation at all. I replaced the battery and the fuel pump. But the problem remains.”
The temperature and barometric air pressure (TBAP) sensor or the TBAP wire are the two most common causes of this issue. Most professionals advise inspecting the TBAP sensor and the related wiring as soon as this issue arises. You can gently tug on the wires at the connector, one at a time; the defective one(s) stretches slightly.
Also read: 6 x Polaris Starter (Solenoid) Problems!
8. Shifting Issues
The 2009 Ranger 700 XP is notorious for hard shifting because of a bad one-way bearing on the primary clutch. A fake belt can also cause a hard shift, especially a cheap and tight one that engages the secondary clutch.
A customer asks,
“My 2009 Ranger 700 XP has a shifting problem. When the engine is not running, all gears shift smoothly. But when the engine is running, I have to use a lot of force on the shifting lever to move the vehicle from Reverse to any other gear. A suggestion?”
If it shifts with the engine off, remove the clutch cover, start the engine, and check out how the clutch behaves in neutral. If the secondary clutch is spinning, the secondary may be the issue, though the primary clutch is more likely the problem. If the bearing between the sheave halves is damaged, the belt remains in place and engages the secondary clutch at idle.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Transmission Problems!
The same happens if the weights or other primary clutch components are worn out or if the sheave halves are otherwise unable to move freely. POLARIS RANGER 700 XP OEM drive belt for $149.99. You can get a RANGER 700 XP one-way bearing for $45.00 and a primary clutch price for $136.99.