What kind of problems does a Polaris RZR 170 normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Polaris RZR 170. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!
Also read: Polaris UTV Reliability, Check Your Model Here!

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1. Starting Problems
Your RZR 170 may fail to start due to lack of air or fuel, low or defective battery, damaged kill switch, and faulty ignition or worn out spark plug. To figure out what is causing your machine to refuse to start, pay attention to how it acts when you try to start it.
For example, a customer reports that,
“I hear a relay click when I apply the brake and turn the key, but it won’t turn over. Where is the fuse box? Is there a starter fuse? Also, when I try to turn it over, I don’t believe the headlights come on. I’m not sure if they would in normal circumstances”.
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⚠️ Essential Riding Gear: DOT-Certified Helmets → Check Prices1.1 The Engine Is Not Turning
There are a few simple things to look into if your engine won’t crank when you try to start it.
- Ensure the kill switch/run switch is set to ON or RUN, and the UTV is in Park or Neutral. It may not start when in gear as a safety precaution.
- Check that the battery is fully charged and operational. It should read 12,6 – 12,8 V. Recharge the battery or replace the dead one.
- Examine the primary fuse.
- Confirm that the solenoid is functional and receiving power. When you press the start button or turn the key, the solenoid should make an audible “clicking” sound. If it doesn’t, check with a multi-meter or voltmeter to ensure power flow to the solenoid. Replace a faulty solenoid.
- If the solenoid is working, measure the voltage at the starter motor. Check for continuity between the starter’s wire lug and the solenoid’s non-powered lug. Connect a jumper cable to the battery positive terminal and the starter motor lug if there is continuity.
- If the starter motor doesn’t turn, then get it rebuilt.
- It could also be a mechanical failure or the engine seized or rusted.
1.2 The Engine Turns But Won’t Start
- Investigate the fuel system. Ensure the gas tank is full. Pull the fuel line and turn the start key to check the gasoline flow into the engine. If it isn’t, look for a blockage in the fuel line and filter. Check the shut-off valve, the fuel pump, and the carburetor.
- Clean the carburetor, fuel sieve, and air filter. Change the fuel if it has water.
- Check the spark plug. Unscrew the spark plug from the cylinder head and reattach it to the boot. Turn the start key to check for a powerful spark. Replace the plug if it isn’t sparking. If it has a coil, check it. Replace it if not working.
2. Fuel Pump Problems
The Polaris-built RZRs tend to have an unreliable fuel pump. If you are experiencing starting issues, sputters, backfires, poor performance, or even completely shut down while driving, you may have a fuel pump problem. Test your fuel pressure PSI and get a replacement fuel pump if necessary. The fuel pump comes with a factory setting of 39-psi. However, after a while, it wears out, and the PSI drops to the lower 30s.
Test the fuel pump pressure by attaching a fuel pressure gauge to the tank outlet. It is critical to crank your engine while testing because the pressure will often be good at idle but not at higher RPM. When the gasoline pump is cold, the pressure may appear normal, but as the pump heats, the pressure drops. To properly test your fuel pump performance, you need to run it with the gauge to monitor fuel PSI during normal operation.
The symptoms of a defective pump include poor upper RPM, reduced top speed, and poor acceleration. An insufficient fuel supply can cause severe damage to the engine by causing it to run lean. This causes extreme heat in the combustion chamber, which could result in detonation. In the worst-case scenario, the tremendous heat will melt a hole in the piston.
While testing the fuel pump pressure, remember to check the shut-off valve and the fuel sieve. Also, clean the carburetor, gas tank cap, and gas tank vent hose, and do it regularly. People often overlook the fuel tank vent lines and other minor fuel system parts, leading to blockage.
Fuel pump replacements from the manufacturer cost roughly $179.99. The fuel pump replacement includes color instructions and everything you need to get started. You can install the fuel pump in 30 minutes using simple hand tools. Because the pump is plug-and-play, there is no wiring.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Fuel Pump Problems!
3. Engine Problems
The RZR 170 has an air-cooled, four-stroke, 169cc ProStar engine with an electric start and an automatic transmission. ProStar engines are reliable. These are durable engines and should last even beyond 20K miles if maintained properly. Soon, ProStar engines are likely to power a wide range of new Polaris ORV vehicles.
However, you may experience some issues like a miss, a backfire, engine runs but will not idle or engine idles but will not rev up, overheating, or a power loss. You may perform some basic troubleshooting to diagnose the engine problem:
- If the engine idles but will not rev up
Find out if the engine has an excess gas flow, causing flooding. Check the fuel system, including the tank vent, fuel line, valve, filter, and fuel pump. Ensure the tank is full. Examine the ignition system, including the Carb starter circuit and the spark plug. Check for high cylinder leakage
- Where the engine doesn’t crank
Check the start components, including the battery, the solenoid, and the starter motor. It may also occur due to seized engine, rust, or mechanical failure.
- When the engine idles but will not rev up
Clean or reinstall the air intake components, such as the air filter. Also, check the throttle cable, TRS switch, spark plug, and ignition timing. Investigate the carburetor, reverse speed limiter, and exhaust system.
- If the engine runs but will not idle
Clean the air filter. Check the crankcase breather and carburetor pilot system. Ensure the Choke and carburetor are well-adjusted. Check for high cylinder leakage.
4. Transmission Problems
A customer complains that,
“My kid’s RZR 170 transmission case cracked both sides”. Another customer reports that “My son’s 2017 RZR 170 is having transmission and chain troubles. There are no concerns when riding and using the throttle… If you accelerate quickly and then let off the throttle, the chain slaps around in the chain guard, and I’m not sure if the noise is caused by the transmission trying to slow down or the chain tensioner loosening up”.
Vibration, wear and tear, or mechanical failures due to design defects or substandard parts can cause bolts to back out and shutter the transmission casing. Often, transmission problems stem from lack of maintenance, poor riding technique, or abuse. Also, a drive clutch defect, the transmission drive belt’s tightness or looseness, and misalignment can lead to transmission issues.
You will need to replace a cracked transmission housing. Adjust or replace the drive belt and attend to the clutches. OEM POLARIS 2009 – 2021 RZR 170 transmission cover costs around the US $277.99. An OEM Polaris RZR 170 transmission clutch drive belt is approximately US $65.00
Also read: 6 x Most Common Polaris Transmission Problems!
5. Shifting Problems
Shifting problems can occur due to shift cables or drive belt issues, drive clutch defects, and misalignment of gears or clutches. Shifting and transmission issues can also occur due to shifting gears while the UTV is moving or with engine speed above idle.
A customer reports,
“The gear shaft on my Ranger RZR 170 appears to have shifted out of place. What was supposed to be advancing is now in neutral. The shifter was jerked back and forth from forward to reverse by the kids who were playing with it. It would no longer shift gears unless the transmission was manually operated”.
Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Clutch Problems!
Follow the instruction in the manual and adjust the shift cable. OEM Polaris RZR 170 gear selector reverse forward shift cable costs around US$60.00. Check the drive belt; is it too loose or tight?
If you can’t identify the cause of the problem, you can get a certified technician to check it or take it to the dealer.
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