What kind of problems does a Polaris Sportsman XP 1000 normally have? In this blog, we’ve outlined all the most important things you should watch for when you’re in the market for a Polaris Sportsman XP 1000. In the rest of the article, we’ll discuss every single problem in detail. Furthermore, we’ll tell you how to identify it, fix it and how much it costs to fix. Read on!

First, in short, the two most common problems; All in all, the Sportsman XP 1000 is a wonderful ATV. The main issue, that is the power steering, had a recall and got the problem sorted out. Apart from that, the only real problem to be aware of is the fuel pump, which is a cheap replacement.

Let us look at some of the problems that you could encounter with the Polaris Sportsman XP 1000. Furthermore, at the end of this, you will know how to perform required repairs and their costs

Also read: Are Polaris ATVs Reliable, Check Your Model Here!

Polaris Sportsman XP 1000 Problems

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1. Power Steering Problem

Polaris is not new to steering wheel problems, and the Sportsman XP 1000 is one of the models that suffer due to power steering issues. The XP 1000 comes out of the factory with EPS or Electronic Power Steering. To put it simply, this addition to a vehicle allows the user to turn the steering with minimal effort. Once the software recognizes that you are trying to turn the steering wheel, provides an extra force, making it easy to turn the steering.

According to the reports, consumers seem to encounter this issue when giving full throttle. Here’s what a victim of this problem had to say,

“No engine lights at all. I can drive all day with no issues as long as I don’t go past 3/4 throttle. So as you go WOT (Wide Open Throttle)for a few seconds, EPS light comes on and lose power steering.”

Losing power steering mid-drive can get messy. After a while, you get used to the sensitivity of the steering wheel. When this changes naturally, your brain takes a while to recalibrate to drive without EPS. Some users even say the EPS could pop back on after a while. This means you’d have to adjust to the changing settings constantly.

In 2017, Polaris had a major recall regarding the power steering. The entire Polaris Sportsman was under recall. A total of 3,800 units received the necessary repairs.

Also read: 6 x Most Common Polaris Steering Problems!

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2. Low-Quality Fuel Pump

When you consider Polaris as a brand, they do not manufacture most of their parts. They ship it in from different places and assemble it into an ATV and sell it as the Polaris Sportsman XP 1000.

In the case of the fuel pump, the component that they bring in lacks quality. Though they purchase the components from BOSCH, the actual pump is produced in China. Made in China is not always, since some of their parts are known to live up to the standards. But in the case of the fuel pump, the quality is trash.

So, how does the fuel pump fail? Does it fail gradually or suddenly? The answer is both. It varies from case to case, but ultimately the quality is to blame.

It is hard to pinpoint the exact reason why the fuel pump fails, but premature failure is almost certain. Some people have had to replace their fuel pump with less than 50 hours on the engine

It is no surprise that Polaris replaces a lot of fuel pumps for free because it fails when it is covered by the warranty.

But if it is not covered by the warranty, you don’t have a lot of choices other than to replace the fuel pump. Depending on the fuel pump you wish to purchase, you should expect to spend between $100 to $200. 

Also read: 5 x Most Common Polaris Fuel Pump Problems!


3. Overheating

The overheating issue with the Polaris depends on driving habits. Looking at the complaints, everyone who had these issues noticed that the Polaris overheats when driving at less than 10mph. The temperatures that were recorded were around 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Though the number might not seem fatal, the XP 1000 is covered with plastic, which can get damaged at these temperatures.

You do not have a lot of options in this case. You could add a layer of reflective heat shield under the plastic. This would certainly reduce the temperatures and safeguard the plastic to an extent. But by doing so, you’d be forfeiting your warranty. According to Polaris, this is considered a modification, and thus you will no longer be covered by the warranty.

Other than the above modifications, you could change your driving habits. Polaris Sportsman XP 1000 user manual says that you should keep riding at the low gear when you are doing under 7mph. But it is better to switch to the lower gear for anything less than 15mph.

It also needs to be mentioned, that when you stop, you need to keep your key halfway back on, so the fan can kick in.

Once your warranty period is over, it is actually a good idea to go for a modification to keep your plastic from heating. Often it is a cheap and easy-to-apply mod.

Also read: 6 x Polaris Overheating Problems and how to Fix it!

4. Soft Suspension

Though this is not exactly a problem, this is a feature that most of the owners hate about the Sportsman XP 1000. The suspension and the springs in the ATV are made to be softer to absorb the tiniest bumps on the road and provide a smooth ride. With this kind of setting, it is perfect for calm rides on a decent trail.

On the other hand, if you are an aggressive rider and take your ATV where there are no roads, this suspension might not be suitable for you. The plush suspension of the Sportsman is suitable if you only use it to get from point A to point B. If you are a thrill seeker, you won’t feel the response from the trail.

But you can stiffen up the suspension if you are an aggressive rider. It is not the worst suspension when you dial it up a few notches, but with the power on offer with this ATV, it creates a significant amount of body roll when you are hitting the corners.

You have to wonder with the weight of this ATV whether this is the right suspension for the Sportsman XP 1000. Considering how the suspension in the Polaris RZR feels, the electronic Dynamix Active Suspension technology used in the RZR is way more suitable for the XP 1000.

The skid plate is also a bit lower than expected. You don’t get the advertised 12-inch ground clearance. The A-arms are placed higher so that you get the 12-inch, but the skid plate is slightly lower at only 10.5-inches.

10.5-inches can be plenty, depending on how you plan to use the ATV. If you try to get the most out of your purchase and push the ATV to its limits off the road, you better brace up because you might hit a few boulders on the skid plate.

5. Loses Power

Though this issue is not as common as any of the issues mentioned above, there are a few customers who encounter a loss of power.

Here’s what one customer had to say about this issue.

“2015 Polaris sportsman XP 1000 with 120 hours on it. The Quad ran great and then parked outside for 10 days with heavy rain. Went to start it up and ran fine for about 1 mile, then it started to lose power and even started backfiring.”

You could assume that this problem is due to the fact that he had his ATV parked outside in heavy rain. But when looking at other complaints regarding this issue, the rain doesn’t seem to be a factor. Rather, it is a problem with the Sportsman XP 1000 itself.

The first step to take in this scenario is a complete inspection of the ATV. There are countless possibilities for this to happen, and a physical inspection should allow you to narrow it down and possibly find the cause of the issue.

In case you are unable to find the issue, it is best if you take your ATV to a professional. You could go down a rabbit hole looking for the exact cause, spending both time and money.